Navigating the New Arctic: Landscape Evolution and Adapting to Change in Ice-rich Permafrost Systems

The widespread thawing of ice-rich permafrost affects the entire Arctic ecosystem, making the ground unstable to build on and putting communities and infrastructure at risk. This National Science Foundation Navigating the New Arctic project seeks to increase our understanding of ice-rich permafrost systems (IRPS) and their intricate connection to the human, built and natural environments in Alaska and across the Arctic. From study sites in Prudhoe Bay (view map) and Point Lay (view map) Alaska, the project will address questions of landscape evolution and adapting to change in ice-rich permafrost systems through the following activities.

Landscape Evolution: How do changes in climate, snow, water, disturbance, and time influence the thawing or stabilization of ground ice?

Adapting to Change: How can Arctic communities plan for and adapt to changes in these evolving permafrost landscapes?

  View Project Flyer



A home in Point Lay that is affected by ice-wedge thermokarst. Credit Benjamin Jones

ARCUS Witness Community Highlights: Infrastructure and Permafrost Degradation in Point Lay, Alaska

  Read the article

Video: Stuyding Permafrost in Point Lay (Produced by Cold Climate Housing Research Center)

  Watch on YouTube



Data from this project are publicly available for viewing and download. Data are archived at the Arctic Data Center: Ice-rich Permafrost Systems portal. Additional datasets will be added over the life of the project.


Get In Touch

The Alaska Geobotany Center is located on the West Ridge of the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. Our office is located in room 252, on the second floor of the Arctic Health Research Building.

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    Institute of Arctic Biology
    311 Irving
    P.O. Box 757000
    Fairbanks, Alaska
    United States
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    907 / 474-2459
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